Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The WOD Log

Having a workout log is essential to your personal success and continued improvement.  WOD logs can be anything from a small booklet, spiral notebook, or kept electronically in an Excel Spreadsheet.  Even some of us folks who have been training for years and are all too familiar with our PRs and benchmark times still need a reminder from time to time.  Not only that, but having a written record of your personal achievements creates a more concrete, tangible way to represent your success (other than that beautiful bod you've been working day in and day out to create!).  If you are yet to start a workout log, now is the time!  Its benefits greatly outweigh the 2 minutes a day it takes to keep it updated.  I personally use an Excel spreadsheet, which I may need to make a backup copy of in the event of a computer crash... :)   Along with logging your progress, this will also allow you to make notes on how certain weights felt, whether or not you did the workout Rx'd and if you should up the weight/intensity next time!  Compare this information with your food log (bc I know you all have one of these too... ahem) and you may find some correlations between what you eat and your performance on any given day.  This will help you and your coach in dialing in your success.  Before you know it, you will be reeling in the gains hand over fist only looking back to see how far you've come!

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