Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Vacation and the Big Picture

For me, there aren't many things better for the recovery of the mind, body and soul than a good vacation.  This past week I was lucky enough to go on a vacation to do one of the things I enjoy most: snowboarding.  I tend to gravitate toward vacations that have some kind of physical/athletic activity, although this is not the only reason why I choose them.  I find nature itself to be very therapeutic.  Being in the mountains with the fresh air and few distractions other than the unbelievable scenery is hard to beat in my book.  While my friends are discussing how cold it is on the chairlift, I barely even notice.  My mind is allowed to wander off and take in all that is around me in the moment, the temperature only being a small part of the bigger picture. 

Alas, the 'Big Picture'. It seems that vacations have a way of letting you step back and take a look at the environment you are creating for yourself and the world around you.  My snowboarding vacations at the beginning of the year are not only a chance for me to let loose and have fun, but they allow me to stand on a mountaintop and have a birds eye view of the year that has passed and bring the blurry image of the future into sharp focus.  2011 has begun, how are you going to frame your 'Big Picture'?